Hacking has been on the rise, and automated bots that target the security of your website is a growing threat.We take security of the websites we build very seriously. There is a hacker attack every 39 seconds! Small to medium sized businesses were the main target with over 65% of attack attempts.
So what can you do to protect yourself? First, we recommend you use a hosting company that has SSL included as part of the plan (we can assist you in finding one if you have questions). Make sure if you are using a Content Management System, such as WordPress, that you are making timely updates as there are often patches available for both the core software as well as various plugin addons. Make sure you used STRONG passwords! We would also recommend that you utilize some security software plugins, such as Wordfence, which is one of our favorites.
If you have been hacked, or would like to discuss the security of your site, please contact us!